Design stages
Design stages provided by normative acts
1. Pre-project works
2. Project
3. Working documentation
There are options for merging with the design documentation of the design stage, obtained during the construction of typical buildings, or in the construction of certain category liability facilities. This approach to design is called one-step design.
Design services include all the necessary stages of work.
Pre-Project Stage
- Draft project. Preparation of part of the architectural-urban design (architectural drawings, three-dimensional model of the building). This stage is the basis for constructive decisions. The document is produced using design assignments and accompanying documentation. The design project will be approved by the Architectural Service of Sakala.
- Allocated area planning and land survey project. The working documentation defines the mutual management of the construction site and existing buildings.
Design stage - "Project"
- Elaboration of points to be agreed with the State Expertise Service in the field of construction, repair and reconstruction. Work is carried out in compliance with state and city ordinances in compliance with all technical and construction standards.
- Perform systematic calculations to calculate financial costs for building materials and works.
Working documentation stage
Creation of relevant documentation for implementation of technical-constructive solutions of the project. Based on the work documentation and guidance, work facility equipment, equipment, technical facilities and materials are provided, construction and installation works are carried out in accordance with the documentation.