Rwataw Highway
The microclimate of industrial buildings is a complex of physical factors that influence human heat transfer and determine the condition, job opportunities, health and fertility of labor. Protecting the workplace microclimate in line with hygiene standards is the most important task of protecting the workplace.
The air environment is the most important of all the elements that make up the environment and human activity. Natural air is a complex dynamic system generated by various gases (and vapors) and suspended in the smallest amount of solid and liquid particles - aerosols.
Air pollution refers to the direct or indirect intake of any substance to such an extent that it changes the quality and composition of ambient air, damages people, lives and the non-living nature.
The most important gaseous substance that determines air quality is water vapor. The stronger the air heats up, the more water vapor it can contain. The ratio of the water vapor content to the limit of the amount that can be drawn into the air at a given temperature is called relative humidity.
The most important characteristic of air is barometric pressure, since the difference between barometric pressure and air pressure in the alveolar lung determines the amount of gas exchange. Barometric pressure is considered and normal is called sea level (one atmosphere) and decreases exponentially at altitude.
In addition to gas composition and barometric pressure, the most important characteristic of the air environment is air temperature. The movement (velocity) of air movement relative to the human body, the temperature of the air, determines the nature of heat transfer - heating or cooling of the human body.
Human life can usually be prolonged only if body temperature is maintained during homeostasis due to the activity of the thermoregulation system and other functional systems: cardiovascular, excretory, endocrine, and systems that provide energy, water, salt and protein metabolism.
To maintain a constant body temperature, the body must be in a thermostatic state as measured by the heat balance. Heat balance is achieved by coordinating heat production and heat transfer processes.
Neutral microclimate - Is a combination of its components that, when exposed to change in the body, provides a body heat balance, the amount of heat generated and the total heat transfer within 2 watts, the heat transfer fraction by evaporation of moisture does not exceed 30%.
Refrigerated microclimate - Is a set of parameters where the excess excess of heat transfer to the environment is the amount of heat produced by the body, which results in the formation of general and / or local heat deficiency (> 2 W) in the human body.
Refrigerated microclimate causes exacerbation of peptic ulcer, sciatica, causes diseases of the respiratory system, diseases of the cardiovascular system. Cooling a person (both general and local) causes a change in his motor response, disrupts coordination and the ability to perform precise operations, and causes inhibitory processes in the cerebral cortex, which can lead to various forms of trauma. The local cooling of the hands reduces the accuracy of work operations.
Heating microclimate - Is a set of parameters that converts the heat exchange of the person into an environment, which results in an accumulation of heat in the body (> 2 W) and / or an increase in the share of heat loss through evaporation of moisture (> 30%).
The effect of the heating microclimate causes disruption of health, reduced work capacity and labor productivity. Heating microclimate can cause a general disease that is most often manifested in the form of thermal collapse. This is due to the expansion of blood vessels and lowering of blood pressure in them. A frustrated condition is followed by headaches, weakness, dizziness and nausea.
Heat stroke is very dangerous. By early detection, even one in five cases is fatal. Under general thermal stagnation, the body temperature rises significantly, causing direct damage to the tissues, especially the central feather bed. Nausea and vomiting are preceded by a deep loss of consciousness at the shock stage, sometimes accompanied by seizures. Due to the disorder of the thermoregulation center, sweating is reduced. The skin is hot, dry, first reddish, and then becomes gray. The higher the mortality, the higher the body temperature.
As a result of sun exposure, brain functions are largely impaired due to local over-exposure to the sun.
Human thermal condition - Is a functional state of the body due to heat exchange with the environment, characterized by the content and distribution of heat in the deep and superficial tissues of the body, as well as the degree of tension of thermoregulatory mechanisms.
A thermal condition assessment method has been developed to take account of the hygienic requirements of the workplace microclimate, as well as preventive measures to protect workers from possible overheating and overheating.
Requirements for individual indicators of microclimate, their hygiene regulators, created by the study of heat transfer and thermal status of the human body in microclimate chambers.