Rwataw Highway
Architectural design is a reflection of the architect’s ideas, his ideas and creativity. The project reflects the basic ideas of the building and premises on paper.
At the very initial stage of architectural design, space-planning decisions, the configuration of the building are determined, the functionality, efficiency, energy efficiency of the building are considered, the insolation of the rooms, the noise insulation of the rooms, the ergonomics of the space and many other factors determining high-quality and professional design are considered.
The architect determines the spirit of the future space by creating a project with a convenient layout, well-thought-out lighting, layout of the building facades and many other techniques. A competent selection of building materials and interior decoration materials and facades of the building allows you to create an expressive image considering the budget, wear resistance of materials, their service life and taking into account the aging factor of materials.
A professional approach to the development of architectural solutions implies a balance between the creative component, creation and quick solution of many constructive and regulatory issues that arise in the process of designing buildings and structures.
We are convinced that there are no small objects in architecture. Each architectural and construction project we develop, whether it be private objects, public, administrative or even industrial buildings, must necessarily carry an architectural idea - this is the principal position of the ElProekt group of companies.
An idea can be expressed in various ways: architecture forms a space, creates visual images through color and form, is able to create a special atmosphere of a place and shape people's perception. She must be involved in social and economic processes that arise around the building or structure. This is done by analyzing the context of the place and creating a conceptual model, which is the first step in architectural and construction design.
We highlight two qualities of our approach to architectural design:
We guarantee the development of the architectural project within the time period set by the customer and agreed with us. We will take into account your wishes and comments in the process of performing work.