For horizontal support, uprights and the upper ridge girder, a 50 × 150 mm bar can be used. The lower element must be fixed with anchors, put a waterproofing between the concrete floor slab and the tree. All fastenings are made with nails, they should be driven in obliquely. If you wish, you can use metal corners. To calculate the size of the ridge beam, you need to subtract its width from the length of the house, the resulting value is the length of the element. The calculation is needed so that all four overhangs are the same.
This is the most difficult stage in the construction of the rafter system. The system will be indisputable, special cuts are made on the rafters to emphasize the Mauerlat. In this position, they do not push the walls, but press them; this rafter system is more stable than the lay one.
Step 1. Install the diagonal rafters. For their manufacture, a board of 50 × 150 mm is used, if the length is not enough, then the materials should be spliced. During the splicing, it is necessary to strictly follow the existing recommendations, while at the joints it is necessary to establish a support in the future, this should be borne in mind when choosing the place of building. Make sure that all four elements are at the same angle. If the overhang is slightly different - not a problem, the parameter can be easily adjusted to the required value by filly.
Step 2. Proceed with the installation of ordinary rafters. In places where it rests with a Mauerlat, it is necessary to saw down the platform, the upper end is fixed to the ridge run.
Hammer all joints on three nails at an angle. Two nails are driven into the sides and one into the edge of the timber.
To increase stability, additionally secure the rafters with metal corners. It is not necessary to screw in self-tapping screws, it is much more convenient to use nails, the stability of the structure does not decrease from this. The fact is that they work to cut, not pull out.
It is necessary to expose the rafters under the rope. First, the two extreme legs are mounted, their position is carefully checked. Everything is within the normal range - pull a rope between them and already under it, install all the remaining elements.
Step 3. Level the extension of the rafter legs under the cornice. It should be marked with a chopping rope, it is easier to cut off with a gasoline saw.
As we mentioned above, the type of lathing depends on the type of roofing. But in all cases, it is recommended to treat the materials for the lathing with antiseptics. The fact is that they work in conditions that are difficult for natural ventilation, and additional protection against decay is very important. Building codes require all wooden elements to be impregnated with fire protection, now there are double-acting preparations that protect both from fire and decay. Requirements must be met. But in practice, both protected and unprotected houses burn with equal success.
The technology depends on the materials selected. For all cases, there is a universal tip - you need to cover the house as quickly as possible. If insulation is to be mounted, then this must be done from the inside of the building, thus eliminating the risk of mineral wool getting wet. Wet wool is a problem for roofers. It will have to be removed for drying, during dismantling, a large amount becomes unusable, the total time of building the roof of the house significantly increases.
This is the final stage of work. There are no universal recommendations, the master must make specific technical decisions on site, taking into account all the architectural features of the roof.