The roof is one of the most complex and critical architectural elements of the house. Its construction must be approached very responsibly - mistakes are too expensive. No wonder roofers are considered the most paid builders, the durability and comfort of the building largely depend on their skill. The construction process itself consists of several steps.

1 Construction Preparation Instruction
- 1.1 Step 1. Choosing a project
- 1.2 Step 2. Selection of materials
- 1.3 Prices for various types of building boards
- 1.4 OSB (Oriented Strand Board) prices
- 1.5 Prices for various types of roofing materials
- 2 Construction of the truss system
- 3 Install Mauerlat
- 4 Installation of the skate beam
- 5 Installation of rafters
- 6 Installation of the lathing
- 6.1 Video - Installation of the lathing under the metal tile
- 7 Roof installation
- 7.1 Prices for mineral wool
- 7.2 Video - DIY roof installation from a metal tile
- 7.3 Video - Errors in the installation of metal tiles
- 8 Installation of a drainage system
- 8.1 Video - Installation of gutters
The main differences between roof designs are not design ones, although they are primarily striking, but structural. When choosing a specific project, the maximum number of technical characteristics of the building and the climatic zone of its location should be taken into account.
What roof options are offered to developers today?
Roof type
Short description
Flat inclined
The most simple, it is used in small houses. The advantage is the simple rafter system. The disadvantage is the lack of residential attic spaces. In our country it is rarely used, more often such houses can be seen in the Scandinavian countries.

A universal roof for houses, allows you to build attic rooms, it can be simple and broken. In terms of complexity, cost and manufacturability, it satisfies the majority of developers. By changing the angle of inclination, the load indicators on the elements of the rafter system are adjusted.

Four-slope (hip)
A more complex design, it is recommended to be installed on large houses. The rafter system must be set taking into account all building codes and rules, it is imperative to make preliminary calculations.

Half hip
It differs from the hip in that the dimensions of the ramps are not the same. Two slopes are large, and two truncated small. In terms of the technical structure, it is somewhat more complicated than hip, but such roofs increase the volume of the attic.

All slopes are in the form of equilateral triangles, and their vertices converge at one point. The roof can be installed on houses that are square.

The most difficult of all the roofs listed, it is rarely used and only on multi-storey buildings.

After choosing a specific roof option, you need to decide on the materials for the construction of the rafter system and the type of roofing.
Rafter system
For the rafter system, only high-quality materials are needed at least second grade.

Mauerlat is made of 100 × 100 mm timber or 50 × 200 mm board. The rafter legs are made of boards 50 × 150 mm or 50 × 100 mm. The linear dimensions of the rafter legs should take into account the maximum possible static and dynamic forces. The width of the boards can be changed by using various vertical and corner stops. Each rafter system has its own characteristics, the master must have extensive practical experience in order to correctly solve problems arising during construction. And, of course, you need to order a project for a residential building, a self-erected building is considered illegal and will not be accepted into operation. And this means that it is impossible to connect light and heating to it, they do not prescribe in such a room, it can not be given and bequeathed. The project, among others, has working drawings of the rafter system, it is necessary to accurately follow the recommendations of the engineers.

The type of lathing depends on the type of roofing, for soft roofing materials you need to do a solid one, for hard ones any one is suitable. For a solid one, you need to prepare sheets of plywood or OSB, the thickness is at least one centimeter, but it can be changed depending on the step of the rafter legs.

You can make a continuous crate of edged battens, although this option is difficult to consider optimal - it is very expensive and time consuming. For solid roofing materials, the lathing is made of slats or unedged boards. Unedged lumber must be sanded.

Roofing materials
For residential buildings, bituminous or metal tiles are considered the most budgetary options.

Less commonly used is profiled sheet or roll coatings.

Natural or artificial piece tiles are very rare.

The rafter system largely depends on the type of materials. At the design stage, it is necessary to take into account the weight and the characteristics of fixing the roofing.
Warm roofs are installed only in cases where the attic is planned to be made residential attic. Currently, two types of insulation are used: mineral wool or foam.
The distance between the rafter legs should take into account the factory width of the insulation, due to this, the amount of unproductive waste is reduced and work is accelerated.

The weight of insulation is minimal and can be neglected during the design of the rafter system. But you should keep in mind the climatic zone of the house, the thickness of the insulation and, accordingly, the width of the rafters depend on this.
Additional materials for the roof
If the roof is warm, then it is imperative to provide for the installation of steam and water protection, arrangement of counter-lattice to ensure natural ventilation of the under-roof space. The assortment of materials is huge, but by and large they are not much different from each other. The performance is more influenced by adherence to the installation technology than the physical properties of the roofing membranes. Even very cheap material can be used in such a way that it meets all building codes and requirements. Conversely, the most modern innovative material can be mounted in such a way that, apart from harm, there will be no positive effect.

And the last thing to think about during the planning of the roof construction is the drainage system and special elements for bypassing chimneys and ventilation pipes. For some outlines and snow holders, additional fixation points must be provided on the rafter system. It is much more expedient to do this at the stage of its construction than after fixing the roofing materials. Although modern technology allows you to use both options for installing additional and special roof elements.
This completes the preparatory stage. If all the building materials are prepared, the type of roof, roof coverings are selected, the rafter system is calculated, then you can proceed to the direct construction of the roof.